Our Clients



Atalie B

"My coach is amazing at helping me bring to light things that I didn’t even know were stewing within me. She is encouraging, detail oriented, and challenging. She teaches techniques that are truly applicable to everyday life in a way that will help me reach my goals one step at a time...Coaching helps me think outside the box and dream, but also gives practical steps to turn dreams into reality."

Lexi k

"[My coach] helped me to maintain balance and focus as I completed my bachelor's degree in a little over two years. In our bi-weekly coaching calls, [she] constantly kept me grounded and helped me to subdue my workaholic tendencies by reminding me that I needed to invest in the relationships that would become much more permanent than my grades." 



"The amount of guidance my coach gave me is immeasurably valuable. I was a self motivated student... excellent at focusing on school to the exclusion of being a well adjusted human. She helped me tackle things in a balanced biblical manner. There were days she helped me process the hardest moments of my life. I am incredibly grateful that while I was moving through the checklist of school, I had person there who helped me grow... I am a better equipped person, because of life coaching."

Hannah E.

"Meeting regularly with my coach kept me grounded. She celebrated each stepping-stone towards success and worked with me to reorganize my plans (my first instinct was to panic!) when obstacles blocked my progress. She helped me schedule my time, maintain focus, and research other options when the unexpected hit. We were a team, and because of that I’m seeing my childhood dreams come true today."

